Fun with Science Journals

Over Christmas break I asked my son what he wanted to do for fun. We usually visit his favorite museums or take walks through our favorite city. He said he wanted to visit a scientist, better yet a physicist, his favorite science. I emailed all the local university professors and asked if they would be willing to meet with my son, who was 12 at the time and answer any questions. We were so gracious to hear back from the Dean of Physics of Columbia University. When the professor met with Adam, my son, he sat with him for an hour and the best part was he gave us a tour of the lab and a peek at the scientist’s lab journals, which brings me to the pictures below of my kids science journals. I immediately pointed out how similar they looked to his own science journals. I always had them discover and learn as scientists learn: through observations, setting clear objectives and noticing patterns. Below are some great examples of their journals from the age of 5:

science jnl 1

For the above journal entry they observed an apple with the “naked” eye, than with a microscope and then with a magnifying glass. I also I asked them to draw what they saw. Each time I pushed them to describe in detail their observations.

sce jnl 2

The above was an example of journaling changes to fruit over a period of time. It was interesting to notice and the changes of the fruit as it dried and molded.

science jnl 4

We observed weather over a period of time and recorded the temperature and other pertinent information.

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science jnl 6

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science jnl 9

The children recreated a fuse and explored how a fuse protects a circuit. The children took notes in their science journal and realized the purposes of fuses in a home and they also recorded how to make it be a better experiment next try.

science jnl 7

They explored using a solar oven to make a raisin.

Some common factors in the journals were objectives, observations, lots of spelling and grammar mistakes, creativity and fun.

If you’re using journals or will be using journals I would love to see them. Upload pictures and share.